Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning

WOD = Linda (30 min time cap) [last seen, Sept 2017]
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps for time of:
-1.5 body-weight deadlift
-Body-weight bench press
-0.75 body-weight clean
Set up three bars and storm through for time.

*If you would like to use individual Regional weights instead of the benchmark bodyweight style, the weights are:
-Deadlift, 295 / 220 lb.
-Bench press, 195 / 135 lb.
-Squat clean, 145 / 105 lb.

Scaling. Do not use weights heavier than your 4 rep max. This WOD is supposed to deliver a lot of reps under relatively high weight. This can be a quick WOD, or take a very long time if one of the three movements is not strong for you. Make sure that all your reps are good quality. Singles are fine. If you need a spot on any of the reps by the end of the 2nd round, then reduce the weight.

-bodyweight deadlift
-0.5 bodyweight bench press
-0.3 body weight clean (squat clean optional according to ability)

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