Then 6 min EMOM -High hang clean -Hang clean -Full clean All cleans are squat with 2s pause in the bottom of the clean. Increase weight each round warm up to 60% 1RM
Then Clean -Rest as needed between sets -NO touch and go; drop from standing front rack and reset at floor each rep C1. 1 set 5 @ 60% C2. 1 set 3 @ 70% C3. 1 set 2 @ 75% C4. 1 set 2 @ 80% C5. 1 set 1 @ 85% C6. 2 set 2 @ 75%
Then 6 min EMOM -High hang snatch -Hang snatch -Full snatch All snatches are squat with 2s pause in the bottom. Warm up to 65% 1RM
Then Snatch Snatch + Snatch from Launch – (1+1) 3 sets @ 70% (Snatch from Launch Demo ) -perform 1 regular snatch from the floor, then 1 from launch without returning to the floor between the 2 reps -straps recommended on snatch from launch hold launch position 2 seconds/rep (Demo ) –