Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning

12 min EMOM
-2 pull ups
-2 dips
*Remember if you have achieved a muscle up then this trumps the pull ups and dips.
– 1 min jumprope
– tabata jumprope (8R of 20s work: 10s rest)
10 min AMRAP
Teams of 3 (2 if small number of people)
-one partner gets in handstand (free standing is Rx. partners may spot, or the wall can be used)
-other partner completes ikey shuffle ladder once before handstand partner comes down.
alternate partners until each partner goes once
then switch to L-sit
-one partner gets into L-sit (Rx = ankles hip height or higher. Scale = knees above hips)
-other partner completes ikey shuffle ladder once before L-sit partner lowers feet, or fails
alternate partners until each partner goes once
then switch to handstand
A rep is counted every time a partner gets through the ikey shuffle.
NO REP if:
– agility ladder is distorted by foot
– ikey shuffle partner misses a step
– gymnastic hold fails before ikey shuffle is complete
– ikey shuffle partner starts before gymnastic hold is initiated
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