Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning

Wednesday GS&C

EMOM x 6 MINUTES* Pressing Skill Work…
3-5 Challinging Push Ups

Push Up Options:
Strict Handstand Push Up
Kipping Handstand Push
Box Handstand Push Up
Pike Push-Ups
Def Push Up
Push Up

Could be one movement or a combo fo two
– 2 Strict Handstand Push-Ups + 3 Kipping Handstand Push-Ups
– 2 DB Deficit Push-Up + 3 Pike Push-Ups

5 Push Up of Choice*
10 Box Jumps (higer box)
15 Air Squats
20 V-Ups or Sit Ups

Push Up Options: Aim to pick movement a bit more challenging than normal
Strict Handstand Push Up
Kipping Handstand Push
Box Handstand Push Up
Pike Push-Ups
Def Push Up
Push Up

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