Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning

1 round= 5 reps each
-Good mornings
-Back squat
-Back rack Elbow rotations
-Behind neck press and stretch
-Narrow grip overhead squat (narrower than snatch grip)
-Clean grip Romanian deadift
-Front squat (Keep all fingers underneath the bar through entire squat)
Work up to a heavy set- 1 power clean+ 1 hang squat clean+ 1 front squat
Hold on to the bar the whole time

5 Min
Then….with a partner complete the following ladder
AMRAP for 5 minutes (use 75% of the weight reached above):

Partner 1 performs- 3 squat cleans
Partner 2 performs- 3 squat cleans
Partner 1 performs- 2 squat cleans
Partner 2 performs- 2 squat cleans
Partner 1 performs- 1 squat clean
Partner 2 performs- 1 squat clean

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