Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning

WOD = 13 min AMRAP

-5 bar muscle-ups

-10 deadlifts ( no more than 195/125)

-20/15 calorie bike


Bar muscle up scaling:


Use Ring or bar muscle ups according to ability.

If not doing pull overs or muscle up negatives, combine pull ups and dips as follows:

If you have pull ups: MU negative > pull overs > hip to bar pull ups > L- pull up negative

If you don’t have pull ups: Hold your chin as high over the bar as possible (2s = 1 rep).  > Controlled pull up negative > ring rows (3 ring rows = 1 rep)


Scale ring dips using feet on a box with legs straight in front of you. Emphasize fully supporting yourself in top position and turning palms forward at the top

>  use a dip negative with assistance of feet > deficit pushups on rings or box.

Further dip Scaling concepts here


scaled full range of motion on rings

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