Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning

Round 1

-Quadrupedal motion: travel up the stairs with head pointing up stairs

-2 stair repeats

-10 fast air squats, 10 deep lunges

-rest 1 min


Round 2

-Quadrupedal motion: travel down the stairs with head pointing up the stairs

-3 stair repeats

-10 fast jumping squats and 10 fast jump lunges

-rest 1 min


Round 3

-Quadrupedal motion: travel down the stairs with head pointing down the stairs

-4 stair repeats

-10 fast jumping lunges

-rest 1 min


Round 4

-Quadrupedal motion: travel up the stairs with head pointing down the stairs

-5 stair repeats

-10 fast jumping squats and 10 fast jumping lunges


Sharing is Caring!