Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning


-wrist series

-10 cat cow

-10 squat

-10 side to side squat

-200m run

-10 light devils press

-10 pike squat

-10 goblet squat

-200m run

-10 goblet squat

-10 DB clean and jerk


Warm up to WOD weight for push press and goblet squat.

Coaches review movements so that clients are dialed in for quality on each rep.

Don’t use a weight so heavy that you can’t do about 15 reps unbroken when fresh. You must be able to clean the weight to your shoulder with good form when fatigued.


This is a long WOD, Especially for heat. Scale the weight and movement so that your reps are quality. Don’t be shy about breaking up your sets.  Scale weights and  movement standards so you can keep quality.  Hydrate as needed.

-50 hollow rocks

-800m Run

-25 KB/DB Push Press (left)

-25 Goblet Squats

-25 KB/DB Push Press (right)

-400m Farmers Carry

-25 KB/DB Push Press (left)

-25 Goblet Squats

-25 KB/KB Push Press (right)

-800m run

-50 hollow rocks


Don’t go above the following weights in each hand.

Ladies: 25lbs DB

Guys: 45lbs DB”

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