Wednesday Group Strength and Conditioning

WOD 1= Partner WOD. In teams of 2, complete 3 rounds (each)* for time (6 rounds total)
-15 double kb russian swings (53lbs/35lbs)
-300-meter row
*one person does 15 swings and the 300-meter row, then the next person goes….that is one round. Therefore each partner does 3 rounds. Make each round a true sprint effort.
WOD 2= 3 rounds not for time
-12 goblet tempo squats
-1 to 3 legless rope climbs
*0:03 lowering phase on goblet squats
Scaling: If you cannot do legless rope climbs,
1 rope climb = 5 rope negatives.
Rope negative. While standing, hold the rope toward your chest as if climbing. Lift your legs while lowering yourself under as much control as you can. If needed you can lift one leg at a time.
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