Tuesday Group Strength and Conditioning

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

-50 wall-ball shots

-100 double-unders

-50-ft. handstand walk

-100 double-unders

-50-cal. row

-100 double-unders

-50-ft. handstand walk

-100 double-unders

Men: 20-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target

Women: 14-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target


This AMRAP contains a large volume of jumping rope mixed with mid-volume sets of a variety of exercises. Ideally, each set with the jump rope can be completed unbroken. Reduce the reps and modify the other movements so you can finish each set without too much resting and keep moving for the entire 20 minutes.

Intermediate Option

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

-50 wall ball shots

-50 double-unders

-30-second handstand hold

-50 double-unders

-50-cal. row

-50 double-unders

-30-second handstand hold

-50 double-unders

Men: 14-lb. ball to a 10-ft. target

Women: 10-lb. ball to a 9-ft. target

Beginner Option

Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:

-25 squats

-25 single-unders

-25-ft. bear crawl

-25 single-unders

-25-cal. row

-25 single-unders

-25-ft. bear crawl

-25 single-unders

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