Teams of 2 (Bring gloves if your hands are sensitive)
Load scaling as follows
Rx = carry sandbag plus pair of kettlebells
Scale down: carry 20 lb medball plus pair of kettlebells
At the stairs, One partner does quadrupedal motion (QM…walk on all fours) while the other uses the weight.
Partner using the weight can rest while the other does QM
If round 1 is not completed in 5 minutes, then scale down by reducing the distance of quadrupedal motion on the stairs.
Rx= to top of stairs
Scale = reduce stair distance by 1/3, 1/2 , or 2/3
Round 1
– QM forward ascent and backward descent on stairs while facing up the stairs (north) for both ascent and descent
– 15 goblet squats
Round 2
– QM sideways ascent and sideways descent on stairs while facing west on the stairs for both ascent and descent
-15 sandbag/medball overhead squat
Round 3
– QM backward ascent and forward descent on stairs while facing down the stairs (south) for both ascent and descent
-7 single arm Overhead squat with each arm
Round 4
– QM sideways ascent and sideways descent on stairs while facing east on the stairs for both ascent and descent
-7 single arm Overhead squat with each arm