Tuesday Group Strength and Conditioning

Partner Workout. Teams of 2 or scale to 3 if needed (see below)
On a 30:00 clock, complete-
-2000m Row
-1000m Farmer’s Carry (try for 53/35 lbs)
-75 hollow rocks
-50 Burpees over the erg
-Row for max meters in remaining time
Complete each movement (distance/reps) before moving on to the next
With the farmer carry, try to balance the shoulder using the scapular and core muscles and don’t let shoulders roll forward, Try to keep balanced foot placement as you walk and don’t roll to the sides of your feet. Form teams with members that can move similar weight. The farmer carry is the meat of this workout, so try for as close to 53/35 as you can get even if it seems difficult. Remember you can switch with your partner at any time. If there is an odd person out, it might be good to form a team of 3 combining the non-heavy lifters, and keep the weights and distances the same.
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