Tuesday Group Strength and Conditioning

Warm up

-20 deficit calf raises

-30 jumping jacks

-wrist series

-20 scapular pulls

-20 scapular pushes

-5 x10 s descent squat. Arms overhead if able

-10 pike squat

-6 inchworms

-20s at the top of a pull. (chin above bar, rings to chest, chest to table or towel or whatever you have)

-8 outside-inside-outside-back (4 each direction)

-1 min jumprope

-5 x 6 s push up descent. STAY HOLLOW! Even if you have to do these from knees.  Elbows at sides.

-5 x 4s pull descent. Extend fully at the bottom of the pull.

-1 min jumprope


Then: 2 Rounds 20s work: 40s rest

– prone lift off with stick  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdFRtpV7Xoo    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7vDig7m1lw

https://youtu.be/ab1B2jK-csI?t=63     https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc7q7tUNqQs




3R: build in weight each round to warm up for WOD

-10 SDHP

-10 curls

-10 ground to overhead

As weights get heavier, you may reduce reps for this warmup as needed

Warm up weights for WOD


WOD  5 Rounds  (25 min EMOM)


If you have the option to get heavy

-5 Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (135/75 lb)

-10 Curls (135/75 lb)

-15 Ground to overhead (135/75 lb)

-1 min jumprope

-25 arched body rocks


If you can’t get heavy

-40s Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls

-30s Curls. *

-40s Ground to overhead **

-1 min jumprope

-25 arched body rocks (or 50s max).



SDHP options





Curl options: Please try to keep elbows glued to rib cage in all versions




* If you can only do one arm at a time then do 20s on each arm with as heavy a weight as you can move well


** Options for ground to overhead






Arched body rock.. Keep

-heels and toes together

-elbows locked straight

-knees straight


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