Thursday Group Strength and Conditioning

10 min EMOM. Every minute perform
-2 squat snatches OR clean and jerk (use the movement you will be using in the WOD)
work up to WOD weight or above as you see most fit for your performance.
In 5 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps of:
-(Level 3) Squat Snatches (155/105) 135/85) (115/65)
-(Level 2 & 1) Ground to Overhead (115/65) (95/55) 75/45) (65/35) (45/25)
This singlet is all about testing your Olympic lifting skills and your work capacity. Start by standing next to a preloaded barbell. At 3, 2, 1, Go, pickup the barbell and complete as many rounds and reps in the 5-minute time allowance.
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