WOD For time: -30 muscle-ups (note: 30 muscle ups for time is one of the original crossfit benchmarks)
Scaling Although this workout will be very short for advanced athletes, beginner and intermediate athletes should not worry about finishing quickly. Instead, scaling athletes should pick a modification that offers an opportunity to practice the muscle-up and improve strength and skill. If you’re currently nowhere near a muscle-up, work on a pulling exercise and a pushing exercise.
Intermediate Option Complete as many muscle-ups as possible in 15 minutes. Then, Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of: -5 strict pull-ups -5 ring dips
Beginner Option Complete as many rounds as possible in 15 minutes of: -5 ring rows, using a false grip -5 jumping dips, slowing the descent
THEN GB Manna. Be sure to note where you are in the mastery chart.