10 min EMOM
-1 high hang snatch
-1 hang snatch
-1 snatch from floor
All snatches are squat. Start light and Increase weight as you see fit. Get as heavy as good form will allow.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
-9 handstand push-ups
-6 burpees
-3 snatches 165/115
This AMRAP is short and fast. Reduce reps and modify the handstand push-ups so you need little to no rest during each set. For this workout, it’s better to pick an option that is too easy, allowing you to keep moving and get many rounds, than to pick an option that slows you down and pins you on one movement.
Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
-6 handstand push-ups
-4 burpees
-2 snatches
Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.
Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 5 minutes of:
-6 push-ups
-4 burpees
-2 snatches
Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.
5 sets of 10 box jumps
The first set should be very comfortable. Then increase height with each set. Choose rebounding or not according to ability, body condition and experience
Jumprope practice.
If you have single unders, practice double unders
If you have double unders, practice triple unders