1 round Vaughn Barbell Mobility Complex
4 min EMOM of 3 reps clean and 1 rep jerk
-1st rep- clean from high hang
-2nd rep- clean from top of knee
-3rd rep- clean from bottom of knee
-4th rep- jerk after standing up from the 3rd rep
Then 6 min to get as heavy as possible with the same 4 rep scheme
5 min EMOM of 3 snatch reps
-1st rep- high hang
-2nd rep- top of knee
-3rd rep- bottom of knee
Get as heavy as you can do with your best technique.
Take 5 min to get as heavy as possible with the same 3-rep scheme.
Snatch grip deadlift with pauses* at 50% 1RM
Pause for 2s at each place:
-1″ off the floor,
-bottom of knee,
-top of knee,
-mid thigh,
-scoop (“down” or “power” position w/ vertical torso),
*Pause at the same places for an additional 2s during the descent.