Thursday Group Strength and Conditioning

-wrist series

-2 min systems check 1

-6 standing trunk circle each side

-6 x 7 s descent pushups

-5 outside-inside-outside-back each side


3R each leg of

-30s Front scale and 30s back scale

Best if done with shoes off. Remember to maintain arms a even height. Don’t let them drop.



-2 min rocking table


Warm up weight for stiff legged windmill. If you have no weights, even a fat book or a backpack with stuff will do.


WOD = EMOM for 3 Rounds

-40s max hollow rock/hold

-5 table Inside out*

-5 weighted stiff legged windmill each side**

-40s max arched body rock

-15 burpees

-1 min rest




-5 reps weighted standing oblique stretch each side.

Go slow on these and maximize range of motion. Go straight to the side without leaning forward or backward


*Table inside out

1) Down and back is one repetition.

2) Keep the chest elevated at all times.

3) Keep hips elevated at all times, even while supporting bodyweight with one arm, or when facing the floor.


** weighted stiff legged windmill

– Both legs remain locked and straight at all times.

– Keep the dumbbell above the supporting shoulder.

– If DB is in left hand, you can turn the right foot out (supinate) to ease the mobility strain


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