-1 min jog in place
-1 min jumprope
-1 min scapular pushes
-1 min arm circles (30s forward, 30s backward)
-1 min jumping jacks
-1 min pike squat
-1 min standing pike
2R Manflow prone scapular mobility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud3qjfjHaCE
-30s prone Y (thumbs up) 1:19
-30s prone T (palms down) 2:12
-30s prone W (palms up) 3:08
-3 prone pull up 3:57
If too stiff to perform then lie prone on a bench and use the greatest range of motion you have.
If very flexible, then hold weight (3lbs or less) or resistance band. 5:03
– Front Raise (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEpQwgX6MMI ) – 1 set x 15/arm
– Laying Wiper (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVV0-VSDFSQ )- 1 set x 15/arm
– Overhead Mobility Drill (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PgAmp5MTK90) * – 1 round
– ARE Squats (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ2d9Zqq7sE) **– 1 round
-1 min support squat https://youtu.be/LA7B71Z5UCM?t=243
– Overhead Mobility Drill – 1 round
– ARE Squats – 1 round
– Overhead Mobility Drill – 1 round
– Front Raise ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gEpQwgX6MMI ) – 1 set x 15/arm
– Laying Wiper ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVV0-VSDFSQ )- 1 set x 15/arm””””
5 Rounds 20s work: 40s rest
– prone lift off with stick https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdFRtpV7Xoo https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7vDig7m1lw
https://youtu.be/ab1B2jK-csI?t=63 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pc7q7tUNqQs
WOD = 2 rounds of Burgener warm up and skill transfer exercises.
I’d recommend both rounds with a PVC pipe or broomstick. However if you have a bar, you are welcome to try the second round with the bar. A light training bar is recommended. However, the focus today is not weight, but rather a focus on the meaning of the movements. Coach Burgener has found it useful to have students literally yell the purpose of the movement while doing each rep. What you can yell is in CAPS below
Here are the exercises listed out:
Burgener Warm-up
Perform 3 reps of each. Move with a Purpose!
2. Elbows High & Outside: BAR CLOSE!
3. Muscle Snatch: SNAPPY TURNOVER!
4. Power Snatch Lands 2″” – 4″” – 6″”: FOOTWORK!
5. Snatch Lands: FOOTWORK!
Skill Transfer Exercises
Perform 3 reps of each. Move with a Purpose!
1. Snatch Push Press: OVERHEAD STRENGTH!
2. Overhead Squat: CORE STRENGTH!
3. Heaving Snatch Balance: ARM SPEED!
4. Snatch Drop: FOOT AND ARM SPEED!
5. Snatch Balance: FOOT AND ARM SPEED!
Here are several resources to help educate you on the Burgener Warm-up and Skill Transfer Exercises:
1. Burgener Warm-up demo short version
2. Skill Transfer Exercises demo short version
3. Burgener Warm-up & Skill Transfer Exercises demo medium version
4. Burgener Warm-up long version with Coach Burgener (some of the verbage has been updated since 2015)
5. Skill Transfer Exercises long version with Coach Burgener (some of the verbage has been updated since 2015)”