Saturday Group Strength and Conditioning

WOD 1= Overhead Complex

Every min for 3 sets, then Every 2 min for 4 sets

-2 Push Press + 1 jerkĀ  (Push jerk preferred for simplicity of footwork)

*From the rack, build up to a heavy complex.

WOD 2:

150 DU’s


5 rounds of:

-3 one arm DB Hang Clean And Jerk (no more than 50 lb)

-3 other arm DB Hang Clean And Jerk (no more than 50 lb)

-6 Burpees over the DB

-9 T2B


150 DU’s


Scale double unders as single-single-double. Or two wrist spins per jump without the rope.

Beginners that need more time to work on any technique skip the first set of jumprope and reduce the number of rounds as needed

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