WOD 1 . No worries if you can’t use a device for zoom here. See you in 15 min!
5 Sets on a 3 min Timer
-400m Run
Substitute any monostructural movement (jumprope, bike etc). This can also be done an ony machine that you have access to. Work: rest time should be approximately 1:30: 1:30. Adjust distance so that work time is not faster than 1:00 but not slower than 2:00.””
-40 calf raises with heels and toes touching. Keep knees locked and together
-90s elevated seiza
-40 calf raises with heels together and toes out. Keep knees locked and together
-90s squatted seiza. Keep ankles in plantar flexion
-40 calf raises with toes together and heels out as far as possible. Keep knees straight Reset if heels drift inward
-90s curled seiza. Curl toes under the foot as much as possible
-10 Pike squat
-2 min standing pike
-10 Pike squat
-90s min kneeling Achilles stretch on each side.
-90s Standing Achilles stretch each side. Use foam roller or block. Keep heel down.
-90 s narrow hurdler each side on block/ab mats
-90 s wide hurdler on block/ab mats (each side)