Wednesday GS&C
Build to Workout Starting Weight for 1-Rep Power Snatch
14 MIN EMOM: Alt btw the following
Min 1: 12-20 Bike Calories
Min 2: 1 Power Snatch, pick load
Wednesday GS&C
Build to Workout Starting Weight for 1-Rep Power Snatch
14 MIN EMOM: Alt btw the following
Min 1: 12-20 Bike Calories
Min 2: 1 Power Snatch, pick load
Tuesday GS&C
Every 1 min for 10 mins alternating between:
max rep Machine Calories, 45 secs
max rep Dumbbell Floor Press, pick load, 45 secs
Rest 2 mins, then Part 2…
Every 1 min for 10 mins alternating between:
max rep Machine Calories, 45 secs
max rep Ring Rows, 45 secs
Rest 2 mins, then Part 3…
Every 1 min for 10 mins, alternating between:
max rep Machine Calories, 45 secs
max rep Sit-ups, 45 secs
Workout Options:
Sit-ups- Option to Add DB for Weighted Sit-Up
Machine Calories- Option to Run, Bike, Row, Jump Rope or Ski for Cardio Choice
Strength Squad:
Deadlift & Sled work
Monday GS&C
Overhead or Front Squat 10-8-6-4
Start Light and build to Moderate-Heavy.
Complete as many rounds as possible in 9 mins of:
20 Double/ 40 Single Unders
10 Burpee Over Bars
5 Overhead or Front Squats
Saturday GS&C
1 Power Clean & Jerk, pick load
Every 1 min for 8 mins.
Start Mod-Light and Build to Workout Weight
20 rounds for time of:
1 Power Clean & Jerk, 155/105 lbs
3 Dumbbell Strict Press or HSPU
Friday GS&C
3 rounds for quality of:
10 L/10 R Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squats, pick load
Rest 30 secs
15 Sumo Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts, pick load
Rest 2 mins
Athlete Instructions
12-15 Sumo Dumbbell Romanian Deadlifts- tempo @20X0
As many reps as possible in 15 mins of:
1 Run, 200 m
6 Back Rack Alternating Lunges
2 Rope Climbs OR 8 Ring Rows
1 Run, 200 m
10 Back Rack Alternating Lunges
2 Rope Climbs OR 8 Ring Rows
1 Run, 200 m
14 Back Rack Alternating Lunges
2 Rope Climbs OR 8 Ring Rows
Continue adding 4 Back Rack Alternating Lunges until time expires.