Monday Group Strength and Conditioning

Everyday Warrior Battle Series- you can still sign up here:
15 Minute AMRAP
-60 Calories on the Rower
-50 Burpees Over the Barbell
-30 Ground to Overhead 95/65
-10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
Scaled (age: 16-54):
-60 Calories on the Rower
-50 Burpees Over the Barbell
-30 Ground to Overhead 65/45
-10 Jumping Chin Over Bar
Masters 55+ & Teen:
-60 Calories on the Rower
-50 Burpees Over the Barbell
-30 Ground to Overhead 75/55
-10 Chin Over Bar
Masters Scaled 55+:
-60 Calories on the Rower
-50 Burpees Over the Barbell
-30 Ground to Overhead 45/35
-10 Jumping Chin Over Bar
SCORING: Total reps. 1 Calorie on the Rower = 1 Rep
Row: Athletes can choose their damper setting. Athletes must reset the rower after each round.
Chest to Bar: This is a standard chest to bar pull up. The athletes chest needs to touch the bar.
Jumping Chin Over Bar: The athletes will set up with their head 6 inches below the pull up bar. At the beginning of each rep, the athlete must completely lock out their arms. The athletes chin must break the plane of the pull up bar.
Burpees Over the Bar: Athletes do NOT have to face the bar. Athletes may lay parallel to the barbell. The chest and thighs touch the ground at the bottom. The athlete MUST jump over the barbell from both feet and land with both feet. A one foot jump or stepping over is a no rep. For athletes that are using an empty barbell or non standard plates, a separate barbell must be set up. ***MASTERS SCALED 55+ can step over an empty barbell.
Ground to Overhead: Athletes can choose to Clean and Press/Push Press/Jerk or Snatch the barbell overhead. Athletes that are using an empty barbell need to pass the barbell below their knees to start each rep.
Chin Over the Bar: This is a standard pull up, the athletes chin must break the plane of the bar.

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