Monday Group Strength and Conditioning

Agility ladder basics 2 trips each of the following: -hopscotch -2 feet in every box quickstep (40- 1:10) -direction change quickstep (1:50 – 2:32) -2 feet in every box hop sideways from one side of ladder to the other -ickey shuffle (0-39 )

Linear series (3 trips each) get faster each time -1 foot in each box 0:25 -2 feet in each box 0:35 -linear hop with two feet 0:52 -slalom skiier 1:05 -icky shuffle 1:26

Lateral series. do 4 trips each. 2 on each side -lateral crossover 1 foot in each box 2:23 -2 feet in each box 2:40 – 2 in, 2 out 2:58 – one legged 1 in 1 out 3:40 -2 footed snake 3:59


Then 4 R -8 seated box jumps for height. Be sure to come down from the box gently Start position is seated with thighs parallel to floor. Adjust height as needed. If you have a fear of jumping on a box, use a box that is easy for you to jump on and practice jumping high to land on the box.

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