Complete 7 unbroken sets of the bear complex:
-1 power clean
-1 front squat
-1 push press or jerk
-1 back squat
-1 push press or jerk
May complete as a squat clean-thruster, then behind the neck thruster
*Complete all 5 movements for 1 repetition of the complex.
*Complete the complex 7 times, unbroken (without letting go of the bar or resting it on the ground) for 1 round.
*Complete 2 unbroken rounds, increasing the weight for the 2nd round and resting 2 minutes between rounds.
For Time:
-17 Thrusters
-17 Hang power cleans
-17 Overhead squats
-17 Power cleans
-17 Front squats
-17 Deadlifts
-17 Back squats
Men use up to 95 lbs, women 65 lbs. *Every minute on the minute, complete 3 burpees