Monday GS&C
ON A 10:00 EMOM
MIN 1: Single Leg Squat Practice
MIN 2: Deck Squat
Reverse Lunge
Hawaiian squat
Speed Skater Squat (Reverse Lunge with back foot off the ground)
Pistol with back foot behind front heel (both feet touch the ground)
Pistol with back foot on front leg (calf or back of the knee)
Bottom up Pistol.
Single Leg Box Squats
Rig Assisted Single Leg Squats
Plate Assisted Single Leg Squats
Pistol Squats
EVERY 3:00 x 5 SETS
50 Jump Ropes
20 Cal Bike
Max Alt. Pistols or Air Squats w/ Time Remaining…
-Rest 1:00 b/t Sets-