Jog to stairs in cathedral park
For stair repeats, run up the stairs as fast as possible (safely) then jog down the stairs safely at a brisk but relaxed pace.
Round 1
-Quadrupedal motion: travel up the stairs with head pointing up stairs
-2 stair repeats
-10 fast air squats
-rest 1 min
Round 2
-Quadrupedal motion: travel down the stairs with head pointing up the stairs
-3 stair repeats
-10 fast air squats and 10 fast jump lunges
-rest 1 min
Round 3
-Quadrupedal motion: travel down the stairs with head pointing down the stairs
-4 stair repeats
-10 fast jumping squats
-rest 1 min
Round 4
-Quadrupedal motion: travel up the stairs with head pointing down the stairs
-5 stair repeats
-10 fast jumping squats and 10 fast jumping lunges