-20s D-ball push (roll the D-ball along the ground by pushing )*
-5 D-ball squats
-5 D-ball cleans
Increase weight each round. Get up to working weight if not there by the 3rd round
* https://www.picuki.com/media/2231341297860333294
2nd workout = Partner workout
For time
-300/270/240 cal bike
Every 2:00, perform
-40 ft. D-ball push
-5 D-ball cleans over shoulder https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAWmdQBfR0s
-5 D-ball squats https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4HPX0oNNdDQ
Alternate which partner does the D-ball push, cleans, and squats each set. One partner does all the D-ball movement in a set. One partner bikes while the other works on the D-ball.
For the D-ball push, the ball stays on the ground for the whole 40ft