Pull, pike pushup
If you don’t have anything to pull or hang on, use a sheet or bands around a tree or sturdy object
-Wrist series
-Manflow, scapular mobility:
2R Manflow prone scapular mobility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud3qjfjHaCE
-30s prone Y (thumbs up) 1:19
-30s prone T (palms down) 2:12
-30s prone W (palms up) 3:08
-3 prone pull up 3:57
If too stiff to perform then lie prone on a bench and use the greatest range of motion you have.
If very flexible, then hold weight (3lbs or less) or resistance band. 5:03
-20 scapular pulls
Warm up the version of pull ups or sheet rows that you can do.
WOD 1= 10 min AMRAP
-Strict Pull-ups
Find something to hang from and make it happen! If you are still working to get that first pull-up, start with or jump to chin above hands, then perfrom a slow negative.
If you can only Do 1 rep at time, then try for every 20 – 30 seconds for 10 minutes.
If you are doing multiple reps from a full hang, you may need to go only on the minute.
If using a sheet, adjust your interval according to difficulty.
Warm up 2
2 R
-20 jumping jacks
-10 elbow rotations in each direction
-10 arm swings in each direction
WOD 2 = 10 Min EMOM
-pike pushup https://youtu.be/Epaj28dsrz8?t=41
Every minute do between 1 and 7 pike pushups. Pick a number you can sustain good reps at.
-Keep forearms vertical
-Push head far in front of forearms
-Keep elbows in and push (protract )elbows away from body. DO NOT FLARE elbows
-1 min elevated cat
-1 min rocking table
-1 min capsule stretch each side”