WOD = 20:00 AMRAP
-2 rounds of “mary”
-200m run
1 round of mary is:
-5 handstand push-ups
-10 alternating pistols
-15 pull-ups
Scale HSPUs here using 1 wall walk as 3 HSPUs. Each wall walk must start and end moving through the plank push up in hollow body position to count. Go as close to nose-to-wall as possible, and stay hollow
Otherwise use box
IF you will like to build the requisite strength for free standing HSPU consider wall-facing HSPU with elbows tracking as if you were doing a good push up. Use a soft surface and see 6:26 at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3I_vcrmE0a0
Scale pistol using a counterweight, or a bench/box or a combination of counterweight with a bench/box. Adjust the height of the bench/box according to your capacity to maintain your stability. If you have the mobility and strength to perform a few pistols, but struggle with the high reps, Then use one 10-second single leg squat negative (descent) as a scale for 5 pistols [GB SLS/SE3]. If you have trouble with stability in the 10-second negative, substitute 1 single leg deck squats (GB SLS/SE4) for 2 pistols. Alternate sides. “