-jog to stairs in cathedral park
-Wrist series
-Quadrupedal warm up WOD. Complete about 10m of each of the following:
1: Crab walk with in the direction of your feet.
A) keep hips as high as possible at all times. (aim for hips above knees)
B) reach backward strongly with the arms
2: Quadrupedal walk with same-side limbs moving forward simultaneously
A) OK to walk on knuckles if that is more comfortable
3: Quadrupedal walk where both arms move simultaneously, then both legs move
simultaneously (looks like a kangaroo quad walk)
A) Get feet as far in front of hands as possible
B) OK to walk on knuckles if that is more comfortable
4: Straight limbed quadrupedal walk
A) Use regular contralateral-transverse quadrupedal gait
B) Keep elbows and knees straight
C) Walk on open palms. No knuckle walking or straight wrists
5: Quadrupedal gait staying as low to the ground as possible
A) Extend arms straight out in front (shoulder to ear) with chest as close to
ground as possible
6: Inchworm.
A) Keep legs and arms straight
-10 squat
-10 side to side squat
-10 pike squat
-pistol prep progression from the bottom of the squat.
Lean to one side (e.g., right) and try to begin lifting other side foot (e.g., left) off the floor.
Lean to the next side (e.g., left) and repeat the process with the other foot.
Alternate sides for 15 to 20 reps.
Start lightly and progressively increase effort and range of motion with each rep.
WOD = 4 rounds as follows:
Round 1
-Quadrupedal motion: travel up the stairs with head pointing up stairs
-2 stair repeats
-10 alternating 5s descent pistol negatives
-rest 1 min
Round 2
-Quadrupedal motion: travel down the stairs with head pointing up the stairs
-3 stair repeats
-10 alternating 5s descent pistol negatives
-rest 1 min
Round 3
-Quadrupedal motion: travel down the stairs with head pointing down the stairs
-4 stair repeats
-10 alternating 5s descent pistol negatives
-rest 1 min
Round 4
-Quadrupedal motion: travel up the stairs with head pointing down the stairs
-5 stair repeats
-10 alternating 5s descent pistol negatives
For stair repeats, run up the stairs as fast as possible (safely) then jog down the stairs safely at a brisk but relaxed pace.
For pistol negatives: start in the front scale position, then lower smoothly to your position of stability
Scale positions of stability as follows:
Bottom of the pistol > thighs parallel to ground > seated position on a surface (thigh parallel to ground) > high seated position on a surface