WOD 1 = Power clean
In 10:00, build to a heavy triple touch & go
WOD 2=Partner workout
4 rounds for time
-400m run (both athletes)
-24 power cleans (145/100)
-8 rope climbs
Both athletes run together. One works/one rests on power cleans and rope climbs. Partition the reps however you choose. Cleans should feel be moderately heavy
Rope climb Scaling:
-Legless V or L-sit rope climb
-Legless rope climb
-Rope climb with feet
-Rope row: 2 rope rows = 1 rope climb. Start lying on back with shoulders flat on the floor. Keep body -rigid with hips as straight as possible until you return to this position.
-Ring row: 10 ring rows = 1 rope climb