Monday Group Strength and Conditioning

For time:
-1 mile Run
-100 Pull-ups
-200 Push-ups
-300 Squats
-1 mile Run
Time cap. 48 minutes past the start of the hour (if you have not started the second run by then)
Scaling: This is a high volume WOD that for our purposes is not meant to be a sprint. Focus on quality of motion when tired as opposed to trying to move fast. Partition the pull-ups, push-ups, and squats as needed. Start and finish with a mile run.
You can scale movements either by volume or modification. “Very advanced” athletes may choose to do this unpartitioned.. i.e., finish the pull ups before starting the pushups before starting the squats.
We strongly suggest breaking reps of each movement and cycling through movements in a manner that allows you to keep moving at a steady pace without hitting muscular failure or needing to stop completely to rest.
For example
20 rounds of
-5 pull ups
-10 pushups
-15 squats
50 rounds of
-2 pull ups
-4 pushups
-6 squats
Most people find themselves having to stop most on the push ups. So this would be the place to stop for breaks if you need it.
You won’t fail and air squat even if you are tired. So use this to try to recover while you keep moving
Strict movements are recommended over kipping for our class. So if 5 pull ups at a time seems like a lot, then scale to ring rows. If you have trouble making it to 4 push ups normally, then scale using a box or pushups from the knees.
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