WOD 1= 5 Super Sets of:
-6 Strict Pull-Ups
-6 Strict Ring Dips
-6 Push-Ups
Rest as needed
WOD 2 = Partner WOD
I go/You Go
17min AMRAP
-9 Hang Power Snatches 95/65
-35 DU’s
Pull up scaling.. If you cannot do a strict pull up, then hold yourself above the bar for a total of 12 seconds. Then hang from the bar for a total of 12 seconds.
If you can’t hold yourself above the bar for more than 1-2 seconds at a time, then use ring rows
Dip scaling. Ideally turn palms facing forward at the top of the dip. If you can’t do ring dips, Scale ring dips by going BETWEEN two boxes. .
Use foot elevation as needed. Do not use a bench or box behind your back.
You can use the dip machine with feet in front of the body for leg support. Try to avoid bands if you can.
Otherwise use controlled ring pushups