Partner Workout!
2 rounds for time of:
-100-cal. row (total, switching every 25 cal)
-50 handstand push-ups (total)
Athletes switch every 25 calories rowed. Once the monitor reads 100 calories, the athletes must touch hands and then may begin the handstand push-ups. Each athlete must complete at least 1 handstand push-up each round, and only one athlete may be working at a time. Teams must touch hands when switching. After completing 50 handstand push-ups, teams can begin Round 2. The monitor should again be set at zero and athletes again switch every 25 calories. Once the monitor reads 100 calories, the athletes must touch hands and then may begin the second round of handstand push-ups. Time stops once the 50th handstand push-up has been completed.
If no partner, then do 2 rounds for time of: -50-cal. row -25 handstand push-ups
Scale handstand pushups using a box, pike position, hand release pushups or knee pushups as needed