Friday Group Strength and Conditioning

clean tempo deadlifts at the following percentages of your clean 1RM:
2 reps at 70%, 75%, 80%, 85%, 90%
take 10 sec to get up and 10 sec to get down. hitting all the positions. 1″ from floor, 1″below knee, 1″above knee, mid thigh, scoop (down position), stand. now back down.


-1 min jumprope
-10 box jumps
Make the box jumps any height you want, but increase height each round to get to WOD height.

For time (6 min cap):
-airdyne (30/25) cal
-20 burpee box jump-overs (30/24) inch. hands and feet can be on the box at the same time.
-10 odd-object cleans

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