**Come be in our PDXstrength video shoot – we will be filming shots of the 5:30 pm class**
10 min EMOM
Every minute perform
– 1 high hang (squat) snatch (keep torso perfectly upright)
– 1 overhead squat
20 minute cap
team of 3 or 2:
Teams of 3
One person completes a 400m run. Other two are in the gym (one partner working, other resting). Rotate runners.
-63 overhead squats, (95/75)
-126 pull-ups
-45 overhead squats
-90 pull-ups
-27 overhead squats
-54 pull-ups
Teams of 2: (one runs, while the other completes reps below)
-42 overhead squats
-84 pull-ups
-30 overhead squats
-60 pull-ups
-18 overhead squats
-36 pull-ups
*Each time someone comes in from a run, another person switches out and goes on the run. Let the incoming person know where you are in the rep scheme.