Hollow body core and shoulder conditioning/mobility
You’ll need a pvc pipe or broomstick. If you don’t have that, a band or piece of long clothing (shirt, pants etc) will do. Don’t push any movement into a range of discomfort. Take time to explore today. We’ll focus a lot on opening the chest and retracting your scapulae today between bouts of abdominal muscle conditioning. IF you hit failure on a movement. Rest the remainder of the minute.
Warm up
-wrist series
-10 cat cow
-1 min jog in place
-20 scapular pushes
-20 jumping jacks
For the rest of the warm up,
Do a coach-led dry run using about 10 seconds of each movement to get the feel of the flow. For this WOD feel free to add small (2.5 to 5lb) weights to the PVC pipe if you like. This may take some time, but don’t rush through it. Be sure everyone is clear on the movements. The WOD itself will take less than 25 min.
I’ve numbered each movement to make it easier to keep track of where you are in the WOD
WOD: approximately EMOM. If transition takes a little time, don’t worry about it. If you hit failure or complete an exercise before the minute, then rest for the remainder of the minute
1 -60s max bent hollow hold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wup7ri2D1zk
2 -60s cat cow. Be sure neck positions follows the spine
3 -60s Static Seated Shoulder Flexion with PVC pipe
4 -60s max bent hollow rock
5 -30s table pose, rest the remainder of the minute
6 -30s Static Standing Shoulder Extension with PVC. Rest the remainder of the minute https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BS_JIvS-Pqo
7 -60s max straddle hollow body hold https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgIWNh-Bjzo
8 -30s table rock, rest the remainder of the minute. Externally rotate shoulders and retract scapulae at the top
9 -30s Supine Floor Handstand Flexion with PVC
10 -30 s standing shoulder extension with PVC. Open chest and pull shoulders back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xLeslHMjRC4
11 -60s max straddle hollow rock
12 -30s table inside out. Keep hips and chest elevated at all times https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPCzwSCPypg&index=8&list=PLrEG2939TkBb_Zm-R3nXf5_0y4NJMie9T
13 -30s Prone Floor shoulder Flexion with PVC, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCDCIXTRHIg
14 -5 slow dislocate pass throughs
15 -60s max hollow body hold
16 -30s shoulder bridge https://youtu.be/2pF6J8Srmv0?t=153
17 -10 reps Prone Floor shoulder Flexion Pulses with PVC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdFRtpV7Xoo
18 -5 slow inlocate pass throughs.
19 -60s max hollow rock”