-10 squat
-10 side to side squat
-wrist series
WOD 1 (barefoot recommend. Arch your foot, grip with toes and keep heels on the ground)
-Ido Portal squat warmup mod 1 (a)
-Ido Portal squat warmup mod 2 (b)
-Scap and shoulder activation (c)
(a) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPwG2hqnOx0
– 10 alternating reps hip rotation on all fours. Be slow and gentle with internal rotation https://youtu.be/xPwG2hqnOx0?t=20
-10 alternating squat hip rotations https://youtu.be/xPwG2hqnOx0?t=45
– 90s toes stretch (curled seiza), https://youtu.be/xPwG2hqnOx0?t=63
– 10 reps dynamic toes stretch https://youtu.be/xPwG2hqnOx0?t=74
– 1 min static squat https://youtu.be/xPwG2hqnOx0?t=95
-10 knee push each side. Do in sets of 5 with 20s hold every 5th rep. Try to extend arm
-10 sky reach each side. Do in sets of 5 with 20s hold every 5th rep. Try to extend arm
-15 Buddha prayers. Aim for max width https://youtu.be/lbozu0DPcYI?t=80
-15 Squat Bows with 30s hold on last rep https://youtu.be/lbozu0DPcYI?t=107
(c) Manflow, scapular mobility:
2R Manflow prone scapular mobility https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ud3qjfjHaCE
-30s prone Y (thumbs up) 1:19
-30s prone T (palms down) 2:12
-30s prone W (palms up) 3:08
-3 prone pull up 3:57
6 sets of 10 strict shoulder press.
Start light and increase weight each round