Friday Group Strength and Conditioning

WOD: For time:
-10 single-leg squats, alternating
-10-yard handstand walk
-20 single-leg squats, alternating
-20-yard handstand walk
-30 single-leg squats, alternating
-30-yard handstand walk
-40 single-leg squats, alternating
-40-yard handstand walk
If you have trouble with stability in the bottom of the pistol, you can try single leg deck squats.
Both exercises in this couplet are intended to be moderately difficult yet done at a quick pace. Both movements require strength, balance and flexibility. Pick a scale for each that pushes your weaknesses, but can still be performed with some intensity.
Intermediate Option
For time:
-10 assisted single-leg squats, alternating
-1 wall walk
-20 assisted single-leg squats, alternating
-2 wall walks
-30 assisted single-leg squats, alternating
-3 wall walks
-40 assisted single-leg squats, alternating
-4 wall walks
Beginner Option
For time:
-10 box step-ups, alternating
-10-yard bear crawl
-20 box step-ups, alternating
-20-yard bear crawl
-30 box step-ups, alternating
-30-yard bear crawl
-40 box step-ups, alternating
-40-yard bear crawl
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