Friday Group Strength and Conditioning

WOD 1= GB single leg squat The goal for the class to day is SE 6 or SE 7 (25 min cap)
SE6 = 5 rounds
Work: 10 alternating Lunge with 25% Additional Bodyweight (Use KB/DB in both hands with arms extended down to sides.)
Mobility: 10 Arch ups holding 10lb weight to chest
SE7= 5 rounds
Work: 10 alternating Lunge with 50% Additional Bodyweight (use back rack and barbell)
Mobility: 10 Arch ups holding 25lb weight to chest
Scaling: Use the mastery chart to gauge scaling. If the athlete cannot do 3 sets of 2 lunges then have them move down to earlier levels in the progression. There should be no pain or discomfort in the level chosen
If the athlete has already progressed beyond speed SE 7, they can use subsequent steps in the progression.
WOD 2: every 90s for 15 min
-10s max strict pull ups
Stay in hollow body. Pull as high as you can and extend fully at the bottom. If you can do strict bar muscle up them pull till you are over the bar, but don’t do the full muscle up today.
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