Friday Group Strength and Conditioning

WOD 1: In 10 minutes, complete 1 rep of the following complex for max load:

-Deadlift / hang clean / hang clean and jerk

You can use power or squat cleans

Prior to starting the workout, the barbell may be preloaded with the first athlete’s starting weight for the complex. To complete the complex,

1) athletes must deadlift the bar, reaching full extension of the hips and knees with shoulders behind the bar.

2) The athlete then can hang clean (either power or squat), again reaching full extension of the hips and knees, this time with the barbell on the shoulders with elbows in front of the bar at the top of the movement.

3) After lowering the barbell to the hang position with arms straight, the athlete must again perform a hang clean (either power or squat), reaching full extension of the hips and knees at the top with the barbell on the shoulders and elbows in front of the bar.

4) Finally, the athlete must perform a jerk (split jerk or push jerk), finishing with arms locked out and barbell over the center of the body when viewed from the side. Athletes may make as many attempts as they’d like within the 10-minute time frame.


WOD 2: GB front lever

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