Congrats to the graduating Fall class of 2014!


Last night was the last class of our 6 week Fall Beginner Bootcamp! Let’s give a hand to all these awesome badasses that have worked so hard. This amazing group will continue on their fitness journey with our PDX prep program. We prepare our new members for success! Way to go champs! Can’t wait to see your faces in our PDXstrength group conditioning and strength classes!  Our next series of beginner bootcamps begins January 2015. To register, click this link!



Sharing is Caring!

Lunch WOD- let PDXstrength come to you!


Sharing is Caring!

Who’s ready for a challenge that supports a good cause?

Hey everyone- our Warriors have agreed to participate in this workout series in November, if you’d like to join please register under PDXstrength! There’s a scaled, RX and masters division, so everyone can participate! Take a look at the workouts, they are already posted and see if you’d like battle it out with us for a good cause. ( Sad news, that Britney Gill just lost her battle with cancer on Sunday. She founded Everyday Warrior, a nonprofit dedicated to raising money for others fighting cancer. We will be doing the posted workouts Wednesdays at 6:30 pm in November, and makeup/redo’s Sunday mornings at 8:30 am!

Who’s ready?



Sharing is Caring!

Beginner Bootcamp starts October!



Sign up here, what are you  waiting for??    It’s time to get awesome!

Sharing is Caring!

A few quick tips for your Dead lift!


The deadlift is one of my favorite exercises. It’s great for strengthening your posterior chain and should be incorporated into your strength training routine. Here are a few key points to remember for your dead lift set up.

1. Start with the bar over the knots of your shoe laces, about an inch away from your shins in a stance that you would perform a vertical jump from.

2. Your shoulders should be slightly in front of the bar on your set up, so looking down your scapulas would be aligned over the center of the bar.

3. Grip the bar in a hook grip, allowing room to push your knees out slightly, squeeze your chest up, and lock your back into extension. Pick the bar up, so it stays close or in contact with your shines and thighs, and think of the bar traveling in one straight line.

Dead Lift Tips from Jocelyn Streng on Vimeo.

Sharing is Caring!