Join us for the FitKids Club

Welcome to the FitKids Club, our non-competitive fitness program. Get ready to run, jump, throw, catch,climb, balance, roll, kick, hang, and learn about fitness and health. FitKids Club is an enrichment program designed and developed for each individual child to encourage health and fitness as a way of life.
A great overview of various sports and fundamental skills will be learned. Teamwork and good sportsmanship are stressed. Specific sport activities will vary by each class. These classes are designed to ignite a passion for sports, movement and fitness. For youth Ages 6-11. Classes are held at the same time as our Saturday morning bootcamp classes, so parents can get a workout in at the same time as their child! Dates we are offering classes are: July 9th, July 23rd, August 6th, and August 20th. Cost is $16 per class – this is not a series, so you don’t have to attend all 4 classes. Classes can be found on our class Mindbody roster:
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Why we require new athletes to take PDX101



Sometimes we have new athletes question our “getting started” process. We understand that you want to get fit and are ready to take on the world… but we do have more than a few great reasons why we do things the way we do. Here is why we require our athletes to take PDX101  before entering our General Physical Preparedness Program:

Most people who are entering in the GPP (General Physical Preparedness) world, do not come from a background with a well developed foundation of strength and conditioning, weightlifting or gymnastics. We spend most of our lives behind a desk or in positions that are not optimal for progress in the GPP arena.

We look at at social media streams, and see  top level GPP/Crossfiters doing butterfly chest to bar pull-ups , Olympic caliber weightlifters moving impressive weights, and gymnasts doing amazing feats. We grow to admire what they are capable of, and some of us begin to believe that this is exactly the practices that got them to perform at such a high level. We do not see the hours and years they spend doing the UN SEXY movements to build a proper foundation for these proficiencies. We don’t see the weightlifter who is going to the Olympics working on technique with an empty bar, or the gymnast spending 45-60 minutes a day working on flexibility, we don’t see the high level crosfitter working on the basics like air squats and pushups or the 100 meter sprinters doing leg swings. It takes the experienced athletes years to be able to do the SEXY part of their sport.

There is no way around it, you must work, work, and work on the minutia of the sport to be successful in the grander elements. Many people  try to shortcut the UN SEXY because it is not fun, taxing on the body and does not look appealing. No one is on IG or Facebook posting their static midline work, mobility work, getups, air squats, bar hang holds, bent over rows…..You see the muscle ups,  snatches, cleans and higher level exciting movements.

If you are a mere mortal, like the 98% percent of us, who spent most of their life not being athletic, moving poorly, suffering from past injuries, only doing cardio, lacking activation, and have developed imbalances and asymmetries, you need to work on it!  Starting off in our 101 classes is your first step!

The more we are educated about our bodies and how to do movements correctly, the lower our injury rate will be. Throwing a new person into a class without knowing the exercises can cause problems for everyone. Classes will not run smoothly, new athletes will be too overwhelmed and regular members will not receive as much coaching. PDX101 will give  new athletes an understanding of our culture, philosophy, vocabulary, warm up and cool down protocol, and gym ettiequte.  In PDX101 you will learn about modifications and scaling. I can’t stress enough about  scaling and modifications. Each body is different and PDX101 will help coaches get to know every new person coming in and their associated physical issues. Our intro programs  help coaches learn about each person individually and how they can help their needs.  Once you have completed your 16 hours of intro classes, you will be armed with the knowledge and awareness of how to scale and modify movements, and use that pertinent education in your Group Strength and Conditioning classes at PDXstrength.

Take some time and realize that  PDX101  are just a small chunk of your future fitness journey of the years and years ahead of you. Take time to work on the little things like shoulder health, perfecting your air squat, doing a perfect pushup, hip and ankle mobility etc, that will lead to the amazing SEXY movements.

Keeping this in mind, we want to develop our skills in the following order:

1. Technique/Mechanics
2. Consistency
3. Intensity
4. Volume

Many beginners make the mistake of skipping the first two points and head straight to Intensity and Volume. Don’t be that person! We know how much you want to be in shape, but this is a no nonsense approach, and we must take the correct path by learning the progressions, addressing our individual movement issues and developing good habits.

The little things will pay dividends in the long run. Enjoy the process and be patient. Good things take time, so play the long game. Leave the short game for the people that don’t appreciate the journey. 

Sign up for 101 with this link! Don’t wish a year from now you started today!


Jossy and the PDXstrength crew!

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Summer Kickoff BBQ!

It’s Time to BBQ!



Who? You – the PDXstrength Badass!

When? 6/10 Friday 6:30 pm – right after 5:30 pm Group Strength and Conditioning

Where? PDXstrength

What to bring? Side Dish & Beverage

We will provide beer & sausages, Bocce Ball and Piñata! Possible Ping Pong tournament to follow up the BBQ!

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Our next Nutrition talk topic: Sugar!



Ready for our next Digestion talk?? Not only is nutrition key for performance and aesthetics, but most importantly for your overall health and disease prevention. We want as many members as possible exposed to the hard work that Ken has put into to these nutrition talks…. Ken will graduate with a degree in dietetics in June and has a wealth of knowledge to share with the community. The second talk will cover blood sugar regulation.

This workshop will give you a good idea of what to eat, and why you should avoid sugar for more than just losing weight. Avoiding sugar will help every single organ and tissue in the body, including the outwardly visible ones like skin, hair, teeth, nails, etc.

There is a ton if valuable information in this talk, and Ken will do his best to squeeze it in the 45 minute time frame! Find out how to look and avoid hidden sugars, how much sugar we should be consuming and simple ways for keeping sugar out of your diet.

Cost is free with a suggested drop in fee of $15 or whatever you can afford. Come to bootcamp at 8:30 am, and stay for the talk. Or come to the talk, and then attend our Group Strength and Conditioning class after. The talk will be  May 21st at 9:30 am. 

There will be time for questions and open discussion at the end of each talk. Sign up here:

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Let’s talk Nutrition

A lot of you guys have been asking lots of questions about Nutrition lately! I think it’s so awesome how concerned and hungry you are to learn more about your health and personal nutrition. I hope you can take advantage of two free nutrition talks coming soon. They will be held between Saturday morning bootcamp and Group Strength and Conditioning, so you can workout and stay for the talk, or come to the talk and and then workout!

Not only is nutrition key for performance and aesthetics, but most importantly for your overall health and disease prevention. We want as many members as possible exposed to the hard work that Ken has put into to these nutrition talks…. Ken will graduate as a Nutritional Therapist in June and has a wealth of knowledge to share with the community. The first talk will cover the foundation of nutrition, digestion. You can eat all the healthy food in the world, but if you are not digesting properly, your health will suffer.

Basically, if digestion isn’t working, nothing else is working. You can’t lose weight, you can’t sleep well, you can’t get through the day without coffee, alcohol, tobacco, or sugar, etc. It’s the root of what’s making getting through the day so tough. Healing the gut will help you lose weight, have more energy, and feel better.

Digestion is important because without it we cannot receive nourishment for overall well-being.Every cell in every tissue in our bodies relies on proper digestion to get the nutrients they need. Without good digestion, we cannot have optimal health. This talk covers all of the ins and outs of digestion, including some easy ways you can help optimize your own digestion to ensure you are getting the most out of the food you eat.

The first talk will be Saturday, April 23rd at 9:30 am! Anyone from the community is welcome! You don’t have to be a member to participate.

Cost is free with a suggested drop in fee of $15 or whatever you can afford.

There will be time for questions and open discussion at the end of each talk.


Reserve your spot here:



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