Get Signed up for the Everyday Warrior Battle Series

Ok troops, we need 21 more PDXstrength athlete signups. Our goal this year is 25 signups.  What an easy way to help fellow athletes battling cancer? All it takes is 2 minute to sign up, and 3 workouts. There are so many options, that no matter what your fitness level or age, you will be able to participate. Workouts are in September, and we are going to be doing them anyway in class, so what’s stopping you? Lets do this! For more information on the Everyday Warrior foundation, and to sign up, use this link: 
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July Updates

We hope you had a had a happy fourth of July holiday! Next week we will be getting a surprise shipment of new equipment! We hope you enjoy the new toys and as always, we are looking forward to being a part of your fitness journey at PDXstrength this summer. Stay hydrated my friends, and we will see you in the gym! 
Updates, Events and Workshops: 
  • Our last Skateboarding session went over so well, our participants asked us to add another session! Youth and Adult beginner skateboard camps are on Saturdays at Pier Park skatepark.  We have two sessions remaining, July 15-29 and September 9 – September 23. With Ted Schwallie coaching these classes, they are sure to be a blast! I’m really looking forward to hosting this program, as skateboarding holds a special place in my heart. Class sizes are limited. Cost is $50 for 3 classes on Saturday mornings. If the course dates don’t work with your schedule we offer private sessions or we can also prorate you for classes that you can attend. For more information on cost, dates and sign ups, please click here:  Skateboarding 
  • Our Free Running Club meets every Sunday at 9:30 am! At PDXstrenth Run Club sessions, you’ll find encouragement, guidance, and a local crew of runners that’s main purpose is to socialize, get a little sweaty, and enjoy 2-4 miles at a comfortable pace. We’re not out to race, we just really like running with great people. All you’ll need to get going is a good pair shoes,a smile, and a signed waiver. There is no cost to join, just sign up so our coaches know who is coming! This is for PDXstrength members and nonmembers.Sign up for sessions here: Run Club
  • If you want to get started at PDXstrength our  PDX101 foundation series are the way to go!  We have evening and morning summer sessions. Our next summer session, starts next week. Monday and Wednesday mornings at 8:15 am. Don’t miss your chance to enroll before these series  fill up!  PDX101 is our foundation series that will meet you at your current fitness level and get you prepared for our Group Strength and Conditioning classes. Cost is $220 for 16 classes, plus free access to Open gym, kettle bell, yoga, run club,  and bootcamp classes for the duration of 101! Get started with this link:  PDX101. Don’t wish a year from now, you started today! 


  •  Our new Yoga Class is designed to help our athletes improve their flexibility, mobility, and breath work. Yoga has amazing benefits, and will truly compliment the work we do at PDXstrength! Yoga classes are included with PDXstrength membership and open to non members as well. This class is free until September, so feel free to bring a friend, family member, or neighbor to share the joys of Yoga! You can sign up for Yoga here: Yoga
  • Have you tried one of our Stand Up Paddling fitness classes yet? PDXstrength is proud to offer seasonal stand up paddle board fitness classes this summer. Stand up paddle boarding (SUP) is low impact, a great workout, and gets you on the water enjoying nature. These unique workouts will be a great way to spice things up, enjoy the outdoors and try something new! Beat the heat and get on the water for some fun, unique fitness! For more information on our SUP program and sign ups : Stand Up Paddle Board Classes
  • Congrats to Tyler Knop for being the PDXstrength member of the month! Tyler is a likable, coachable and all around super nice guy! His positive attitude is infectious, and he’s always cheering everyone on in class until they finish the workout. Tyler also leads our run club, every Sunday at 9:30 am! Thanks Tyler for being so awesome! Give Tyler a big high five next time you see him in class!


    Our gym will be participating in the Everyday Warrior Battle Series this coming September. This is a 3 week online challenge that raises money to help out fellow athletes battling cancer. Please consider signing up, no matter what your fitness level is! Every year this event brings our gym community together, and since we are doing the workouts anyway, you might as well sign up! For more information and to sign up, click here: Everyday Warrior Battle Series

    Save the Date for Sunday, September 24 for the Lift Up Autism charity workout. This”competition for a cause” specifically sought to support early diagnosis and treatment of Autism, raise funds for the Autism Tree Project Foundation in San Diego, and most importantly, turn a global spotlight on the measured and severe impact of Autism on families and individuals around the world. We had a blast last year participating in this event, and we are looking forward to an even larger turnout this year! Stay tuned for when the signups are released. 

    ** To thank all of our amazing members, we will be hosting an end of the summer party at PDXstrength with free karaoke, beer and free pizza on Friday, September 8, at 7:30 pm.  Bring your favorite adult beverages (we will provide your first beer), and get ready to grub on some pizza and rock the mike! PDXstrength has some members pretty talented at karaoke, so start practicing!**

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June Updates

Greetings  Strength Tribe! 
Congrats to all of our athletes that are currently doing the Lurong Challenge this month! Making a commitment to nutrition, consistent workouts and healthy lifestyle habits is incredibly inspiring!
Summer is right around the corner and we can’t wait to share all the radical programs we have in store!
Updates, Events and Workshops: 
  • We are offering Adult and Youth,  3 week Skateboard camps. We have two sessions offered, June 16 – July 1 and September 9 – September 23. With Ted Schwallie coaching these classes, they are sure to be a blast! I’m really looking forward to hosting this program, as skateboarding holds a special place in my heart. Class sizes are limited. Cost is $50 for 3 classes on Saturday mornings. If the course dates don’t work with your schedule we also offer private sessions. For more information on cost, dates and sign ups, please click here:  Skateboarding
  • Our Olympic Weightlifting courses are back. Classes are Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm. The cost is $66 for 6 classes. The classes  are small so you get lots of individual coaching.   Sign up for our next round of classes here: Weightlifting       
  • Our Free Running Club meets every Sunday at 9:30 am! At PDXstrenth Run Club sessions, you’ll find encouragement, guidance, and a local crew of runners that’s main purpose is to socialize, get a little sweaty, and enjoy 2-4 miles at a comfortable pace. We’re not out to race, we just really like running with great people. All you’ll need to get going is a good pair shoes,a smile, and a signed waiver. There is no cost to join, just sign up so our coaches know who is coming! This is for PDXstrength members and nonmembers.Sign up for sessions here: Run Club
  • If you want to get started at PDXstrength our  PDX101 foundation series are the way to go!  We have evening and morning summer sessions. Don’t miss your chance to enroll before these series  fill up!  PDX101 is our foundation series that will meet you at your current fitness level and get you prepared for our Group Strength and Conditioning classes. Cost is $220 for 16 classes, plus free access to Open gym, kettle bell, yoga, run club,  and bootcamp classes for the duration of 101! Get started with this link:  PDX101. Don’t wish a year from now, you started today! 


  •  Sunday, June 11 at 8:30 am will kick off our new Yoga Class designed to help our athletes improve their flexibility, mobility, and breath work. Yoga has amazing benefits, and will truly compliment the work we do at PDXstrength! Yoga classes are included with PDXstrength membership and open to non members as well. You can sign up for Yoga here: Yoga
  • PDXstrength is proud to offer seasonal stand up paddle board fitness classes this summer. Stand up paddle boarding (SUP) is low impact, a great workout, and gets you on the water enjoying nature. These unique workouts will be a great way to spice things up, enjoy the outdoors and try something new! For more information on our SUP program and sign ups : Stand Up Paddle Board Classes
  • Congrats to our member of the month, Tommy Takemoto! Tommy has an amazing work ethic, is humble and takes the time to help out our athletes at PDXstrength. We are very fortunate to have Tommy on our team, and he has inspired a lot of our athletes to try out competitions and push themselves. Give Tommy a high five the next time you see him in class!


    Save the Date for Friday, June 23! We will kick off summer with snacks, drinks and Scavenger Hunt to raise money for charity.  We are going to pick out the charity this week thanks to all the suggestions on our private Facebook page for members. This event will be open to both member and non-members. Stay tuned for more details!

We appreciate your support and commend you on your dedication to fitness and health! 
Yours in health, 
and the PDXstrength crew
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2017 Programming and beyond. Words from our Head Coach, Nigel.

Hey Strength Tribe! We have  a large group of athletes that have been with us from the start of our strength and conditioning program ( over 3 years), some who just joined us, and some that have been following our programming a few years.  It’s always great to see the big picture and the “why” behind our programming.

Here is some words from our head coach, Nigel:


We spent much of 2014 and 2015 addressing issues of movement quality, joint prep and getting more folks comfortable with pull ups and dips.
We’ve upgraded a lot of the wellness with full-on Gymnasticbodies training to increase kinesthetic awareness, reduce injury, and add further resilience.
In 2017, we successfully completed a ramp-up to the highest training volume the gym has done, with the lowest incidence of injuries that I am aware of.

We’ve also had success at relatively high level competition in both the Rx and scaled division, and it has shifted the culture of the gym a bit. We’ll see how it impacts the Lurong performances this year.

Looks like we are ready to start testing the combination of high skill and high work capacity. You’ll notice some of the upcoming WODs will require this. In prep, I’ve been increasing using WODs where it is easy to compare overall performance between populations.

I’m trying to catch us up to trends on the Crossfit main site, and will be including most of the individual regional WODs (where appropriate) for the first time at PDXstrength.

I’ve also been ramping up our running for endurance this summer to the highest level the gym will have seen so far. For the competitive folks, combining this with Gymnastic bodies days is one of the better ways to build a competitive VO2, structural and movement base for athletes that can’t afford to spend multiple hours training on a regular basis. The goal is to make the active recovery days (GB days) for our more competitive folks both restorative and higher work capacity than it is for the average athlete who might more frequently choose a day off, or another activity.

Of course, we won’t get there right away, but move the shape of the gym’s performance distribution curves while taking care of everyone participating.

The trade-off is some reduction the time allotted for high-level Oly technique. My opinion is that better fitness, range of motion and volume on the basic lifts will make technical oly progressions easier later, while speeding up our overall mobility+stability acquisition. i.e., make training more efficient at our current overall state. I’m thinking that athletes willing and able to focus more specifically on oly lifting can avail themselves of Jen’s excellent coaching ( Wednesday evening weightlifting workshops and personal programming/training). However, those who can’t fit the oly class in their schedule will be well prepared when they do get a chance to work on it.

Please feel free to send comments, questions, criticisms or reactions. Cheers,


Interested in joining Portland’s premier fitness community in the St. Johns / Cathedral Park Neighborhood? Get Started today by signing up for one of our upcoming 101 series! Don’t wish a year from now, you started today!

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Congrats to all of our competitors this month

I’m so proud of our PDXstrength family, breaking out of their comfort zones and dabbling in some local fitness competitions. Competing is a great way to stay motivated and put meaning behind your training. Competitive fitness can definitely be intimidating, but after your first competition you will realize that all levels can participate, they are super fun, they bring out your best and you learn a ton about yourself!  I like to participate in a few competitions per year, so that I have something to work towards, and  it motivates me to work on my weaknesses. I don’t compete to win, I compete to be a better version of myself and if I happen to do well, it’s icing on the cake. If you are curious about participating in any local, or online competitions like the Summer Lurong Challenge we are doing this month, don’t wait, don’t hesitate, don’t marinate, just take the plunge, you have nothing to lose and everything to gain!

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