Hang! with the Swingers that have lots of pull!

Check out the new workshop Nigel will be teaching September 13th!

PULL HANG & SWING WORKSHOP (Hang with the swingers who have lots of pull)
Got your first pull up already? Excited to explore what lies beyond? Let’s spend some time to focus on tools for:
1) stringing together kipping pull ups
2) butterfly pull ups
3) ring development skills
4) ring muscle up
5) bar muscle up

Thin leather gloves might be a good investment during these stages of development. Or else bring athletic tape and we’ll tape up hands.

Sign up here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/ws.asp?studioid=45374&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn=100000008



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Parkour Workshop

Last weekend, Ben Musholt the author of Mad Skills Exercise Encyclopedia came to PDXstrength to coach an exciting and amazing Parkour Workshop. We learned how to overcome obstacles, how to jump and land, balancing, vaulting, rolling, and climbing techniques. It was a ton of fun, and a great way to explore the beauty and enjoyability of movement by incorporating parkour based skills and techniques to efficiently move one’s self through space.



Ben will be hosting a second workshop August 30th. Don’t worry if you missed the second one, you can still attend, and if you attended the first one, it will be a great way to ingrain what you learned and move on to progressions to build your parkour toolbox!








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A Jack of all Trades

Every once in a while I like to ramble on. Pardon my terrible grammar in advance!

Part of my fitness journey the past five years has been breaking out of a lot of the endurance and cardio queen type of activities. I used to crave and love the way a good ass kicking felt on a run, teaching spinning, jumping rope or a stair workout. I think what I really enjoyed about my past training days was that I really could mentally escape, and kinda lose myself to my thoughts and let my brain wander on a long run or bike ride. These activities didn’t take much brain power….I could mentally drift and process my day, or think about work, my relationships, my mind would kinda wander from one thought to the next, I felt like a space cadet soaring in what I like to call cardio la la land…. I think back then, I was a bit more calmer, my emotions weren’t as drastic, I had an outlet, a needed escape….

It’s kinda weird cause I have this sort of bittersweet feeling about my training days in the past. Sometimes I get so bummed thinking… urgh if I had used all those hours and miles running, swimming, sitting on that damn spin bike, I’d be so good at my handstand walks, or definitely have muscle ups, or my squat would be so strong, my Olympic lifts would be dialed….

Altough I was far from a well rounded athlete back then- I look back on those days and think how hours and hours of running, swimming, cycling molded me to who I am today. That type of training gave me wonderful work ethic, connections, accomplishments and friendships. Now that I’ve transitioned my training, it’s interesting to see the changes it has made in me as a person as well. I don’t regret my past cardio queen days… that’s why I’m writing this tonight. Interesting enough the idea for this blog came out of a 4 mile run, and made me do a little self discovery on what I miss and don’t miss about my cardio la la land days.

As a cardio queen, I was always hungry, thinking about food,  and constantly worried about maintaining my weight, or losing weight. Although calmer with my emotions, my intentions behind my training I admit were shallow at times. I felt fat, so I’d run an extra mile… I wanted to go out for a huge night out of drinking and eating… so I’d really give it a go in spinning class. My focus wasn’t so much on getting stronger, or improving my performance or health… it was to keep in shape and look good.

I started doing cross fit in 2009. I loved the way it kicked my ass when we would met con , but my mind was definitely not there most of the time. I was so used to zoning out in my workouts… it was mentally tough for me to spend 30 minutes working on my clean, kips or double unders. In my mind, I wasn’t  getting a workout, and I’d go run an hour after my cross fit class…. I hadn’t really yet grasped what the true meaning of fitness was. Even after coming from my background as a JR Olympian Triathlete and Division One Track and Field athlete … I just wasn’t mentally ready yet to tackle cross fit and strength training 100% I did it for a year… and my athleticism, skills and strength really did improve, but I was still caught up in the way I looked. WAs I too muscular? I was unsure about these ripped arms and legs I had… and so I made a stupid decision to run a marathon and halted my cross fit training and strength regimen….

That year I dedicated to marathon training, was the weakest, most out of shape, tiring year of my life…. I felt like I could do one thing- run long distances really slow…. I didn’t lose any weight, my awesome ripped arms turned to twiggy mush and I came down with the whooping cough…. I was sure able to do a lot of thinking on all those training runs, and yes it felt great to accomplish a marathon and complete it, but boy did I feel so unbalanced physically. I was so un flexible, so weak, so slow and just tired….

I decided to return to cross fit after 2011 and strength training…. this time I came back hungry to learn, ready to focus, and eager to get stronger and skilled. I’m not sure if maturity set in, and I didn’t care so much about looking too strong, or not skinny enough…. but I started to look at my workouts differently. They had more meaning and purpose behind them. I wanted to nail a perfect handstand, do pistol squats, pull-ups, squat a shit ton of weight, do double unders like a boss….. No longer were my workouts a mental escape, because they took a ton of mental focus and energy and human interaction as well…. On a long run, it was just me and my mind…. I didn’t have to hold a conversation or interact with anyone or work on a skill…. all I had to do was put one foot in front of the other…. No longer were my workouts motivated by looks or pounds… I wasn’t exercising to maintain my weight or try to make up for a night out on the town….

One of the things I found interesting along this process is that I’m definitely feel like my emotions are more heightened and sharper…. for some reason hours and hours of cardio kinda dulled me in a way… or maybe I was able to process a lot of things and just let them go. I didn’t even really think about this till recently- actually on my recent 4 mile run ( about the longest I run now)  I started to think that quite possibly I need to incorporate a run in my life once a week just to chill the fuck out…. and calm my mind. I don’t miss the hours and hours of cardio, but in all honestly I think I kinda miss the mental vacation I was able to go on…. sometimes you just want to escape and that was what running did for me….

Now sometimes I almost feel overwhelmed with excitement of wanting to master so many skills, lifts etc it kinda stresses me out at times. There’s just such an array of things I want to do, and it’s so tough to narrow it down and focus on just a few things… for example I’m trying with all my fucking might not to have sucky Olympic lifts, but I don’t want to lose my conditioning so I gotta keep getting my met cons in, and at the same time I want to learn so many gymnastics skills and improve my flexibility, I want to get a strong dead lift, I want to further my kettle bell training, I want to sprint faster, row farther, jump higher……. awwwwww!!!! It used to be so simple back in my cardio days… put on the trainers, press play on the iPod and drift off in cardio la la land….

After eliminating nearly 90 percent of my cardio, I’m the leanest, fittest, more mobile and strongest I’ve ever been in my life. My tool box of physical skills is continuing to build and I’m driven to keep learning, and to help others find their inner athlete too. I’m glad that my mindset is where it’s at in regards to training… I just need to chill out a bit on trying to do too many things at once…. and just focus on a few lifts, a few gymnastics skills and not worry that I’m losing my conditioning by doing a strength cycle instead of intense met cons. Isn’t funny how it always comes back to balance?

What I have learned about this whole process and through the years, that it’s finding what works for you and what makes you feel amazing…

I’ve learned to find a mind body connection with how I move, and have purpose that is meaningful behind my training. I’ve also found that I still need a little bit of that mental escape and maybe a run once a week will do just the trick? I’m also in the middle of coming to peace with not being great at one thing… and trying to be focused on becoming a well rounded athlete, a jack of all trades, not worried about being skinny enough, too muscular or better than anyone else… just being a happy athlete – improving day by day.





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Goal Update- can’t let my fitness slip!

We are coming to the conclusion of March.  I continue to post my goal updates not only to keep myself accountable but to also inspire and motivate my fellow comrades at PDXstrength to not lose grasp of their aspirations.    Goals take time to accomplish and just because we haven’t fulfilled them, doesn’t mean we  stop chipping away at them.


So if you look back to my previous goal posts,   you can delve further  into the goals I  have set previously and my journey, some keep repeating themselves, but hopefully you notice, I’m not letting them out of my sites.





Successful Goals! 

Pistol Squats –  checked-  I’ve got these bitches down!

Kipping 10 toes to bar unbroken–   checked-  Toes to bar  kips  BOOM!

Crossfit  Open-   done!   Finished all 5 workout prescribed .    I would of loved to have my Olympic lifts more on dial, but I feel I did pretty good for only being a once a week cross fitter.  I also realized how much I missed the anticipation of competition and the butterflies of excitement and nervousness that come with a challenge like this.  I also came to the conclusion I need to start working out more in a group atmosphere. Owning a gym and coaching, make it tough, because I find myself having to workout on my own. 

Improve my Dead lift and Back Squat strength.  I have set PR’s in both of these lifts this month.   I’ve been taking time to really work on my form and stay consistent and I definitely do feel stronger in these lifts. I still want to continue this one FOREVER! 

Unsuccessful Goals!  ( but no for long!)

Full Complete Left and Right Splits–   Fail  🙂    Don’t have them yet, but I am closer!!   

Hand Stand  10 foot walk   – Fail  🙂  This one is fucking killing me! hahaha  I do have to say my handstands are much better and I have mastered the kipping headstand pushup and strict pushup… but walking is another story. I will get this before I die!!!

Muscle UPs–  umm lets not go there- but still on my list!

Perfect my Cleans and Snatches,   – I suppose  perfection may be an unattainable goal, but I’m not happy with my technique.  This is why I don’t coach these lifts myself. I won’t until I really feel like I have mastered them. I know this can take years, but I really am enjoying these lifts and working on them every week.  3 months ago it was honestly tough for me to do RX in my cross fit workouts,   and now I can, so hey to look it positively, I am improving, but I have a hell of a lot of work when it comes to making these bad boys look pretty. They are not sexy right now! 

New Goals to add to my list

One hand pushup right and left from toes. I can do them from my knees- but toes is going to feel pretty bad ass!

Back Squat 135  10 times  and Deadlift 225  10 times.  Yeah Yeah Yeah I’m a weakling…. I never said strength was one of my strengths! hahaha  But I want to Squat over my body weight and Dead lift one hundred pounds over my body weight 10 freaking reps in a row.

Run Hood to Coast – which I haven’t done since I was 19 years old.  I honestly won’t do more than once run a week to prepare for this, and probably pay the price after, but a lot of running doesn’t really correlate with my other goals, and my intention is to have fun and enjoy the event and not really push my pace for time.


Ok there you have it. Goal Update completed. Now give me the scoop on how your progress has been going!



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Shamrocking Fun Run

This was the best day ever! From burpees, jump roping, pushup contests and sprints we took St. Johns by storm and enjoyed being active and celebrating St. Patricks day with style!  Another epic PDXstrength event went successful! Our small, yet powerful force raised $100 bucks to go towards James John Elementary and  New Dogs Life shelter. Stay tuned for our next fun run in June, the PDXstrenth rainbow run!



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