What is in your gym bag?

What do you keep in your gym bag? This varies according to the individual athlete. For example, if folks are serious about Olympic weightlifting, then weightlifting shoes should be just as important as your running shoes… If you are tearing hands on the bars, then gloves (I like golf gloves for the combo of low price and high function) or tape are going to help you transition through the higher workloads. Your knee sleeves or weight belt for those heavy squat days. For double and triple unders a reliable rope is good to have for home practice and consitency, it’s tough to master jump rope skills if you are always using a different rope. Some high quality protein for post workout recovery is also a must for me. And most important of all… a notebook for good record keeping.

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Congrats Elan May- our February Member of the Month.

Congratulations to our February member of the month, Elan May! Elan pushed hard through Beginner bootcamp, PDXprep and now is going solid in our Group Strength and Conditioning classes! Keep it up Elan, we admire your dedication! If you see Elan in class, give her a big high five! xoxo Jossy and the PDXstrength crew!


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Olympic Weightlifting Workshops

It is pretty exciting to have such a booming interest in Olympic Weightlifting here at PDXstrength. Both Session one and two of our Olympic Weightlifting workshops are nearly filled up, and our next series beginning February 13th, has only one space left.
We hope to run some evening sessions in late March for those that cannot make the morning classes.
These classes have been invaluable to our members, making the transition into our group strength and conditioning classes much smoother, having a good foundation to build on. Taking time to learn technique and not rushing has really helped our members with the clean and jerk and snatches that are introduced in our daily workouts. There is also talk of creating a team of weightlifters to enter a few meets this spring. Our Olympic weightlifting courses are for members and non members. Cost is $60 for 6 classes. Jen our Olympic Weightlifting coach is also available for one on one sessions as well. To sign up, go to our class signups page and use your mind body account, and look for all of our courses under the workshop tab! _MG_5213

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Congrats Britt Wilson, our January member of the month!

Congrats to our member of the month, Britt Wilson! Brit has accomplished so much this year at PDXstrength. We are always in awe of her impressive double under skills, she dialed down her push-ups like a boss, she dropped 12lbs, and she’s such a positive force in classes! We can hardly wait for what 2015 will unfold for Brit! Congrats on being our PDXstrength member of the month!!! Brit don’t Quit!


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What are your goals for 2015?


Why Set Goals?
Goal setting is used by top-level athletes, successful business-people and achievers in all fields. Setting goals gives you long-term vision and short-term motivation . It focuses your acquisition of knowledge, and helps you to organize your time and your resources so that you can make the very most of your life.
By setting sharp, clearly defined goals, you can measure and take pride in the achievement of those goals, and you’ll see forward progress in what might previously have seemed a long pointless grind. You will also raise your self-confidence , as you recognize your own ability and competence in achieving the goals that you’ve set.

Last year at PDXstrength we had great success with our goal setting workshop. Numerous members and coaches reached their goals for 2014. Taking that one hour to really focus and create a game plan to complete the goals that they set, helped tremendously.

We obviously would love for our athletes to  reach their goals for 2015, so we are offering a goal setting workshop on January 10th, at noon.

Join a supportive and inspiring community as you share, and create your SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time Bound) goal game plan. This workshop will help with accountability, struggles and motivation to strive towards the goals you set.

In this workshop we will discuss and write down our goals for 2015. We will create a game plan for each goal and share them with each other.  We will also talk about the month long nutrition challenge for those that would like to focus on their nutrition and alcohol consumption.  Please bring a  pen and your thoughts, ideas, dreams and drive! 2015 is going to be great!

Sign up here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=45374&stype=-8


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