Wrist Series Video

PDXstrength Wrist Series from Jocelyn Streng on Vimeo.

Greetings Folks. Our head coach Nigel made a video with Laura on some basic wrist stretches and mobility drills. The amount of stress and tension being placed on the wrists from heavy weight, and hand balancing can create a lot of pain, and when combined with a lack of attention to the flexibility of the joint (not to mention working at an office where you are required to use the computer all day) this can quickly lead to poor wrist mobility and the risk of creating further damage and injury.
The wrist sounds pretty important now doesn’t it? Let’s stop ignoring this crucial joint no longer and focus on how we can keep our wrists healthy so as not to affect our performance at pdxstrength—not to mention our quality of life outside it.

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Congrats Courtney our Member of the Month!

Congratulations Courtney C. for being our April Member of the month! Courtney brings a lot of light heartedness to class while having a “take no prisoners” attitude to anything thrown at her! Give her a high five next time you see her in class!


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It’s time to work on your False Grip

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Hey Folks! If you haven’t noticed we have been programming a lot of false grip work this week. In fact we are on a 6 month process on getting our members doing their first of many strict muscle ups! Here are some great videos by Carl Paoli, on the false grip. Please check them out since you will be seeing these movements programmed! Yeah for muscle ups! Click on the videos below for examples of the false grip on the bar and rings. I know it can be uncomfortable at first, but it does get better over time.

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Get started with PDXstrength this Spring!

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Use this link to sign up! https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=45374&stype=-8&sView=day

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Awesome Arms

In this 5 week series, you will learn how to build your biceps, triceps, and shoulders using methods of isolated training. You will learn about drop sets, tri sets, and giant sets. With the use of resistance bands, barbells, dumbbells, and weighted plates,  tighter and defined muscles will be ready to show off just in time for summer fun. Athletes will be given a weekly workout to do once a week as well.  Sign up here:



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