Upcoming Workshop: Powerlifting Basics- Pushing and Pulling

Join  Coach Timothy Mercer for our first Powerlifting workshop at PDXstrength.

Attendees will spend 3 hr’s learning about the bench press and the deadlift. The course will include lecture as well as practical portions, and will teach athletes how to bench press and deadlift for maximum strength while preventing injury. Sign up with this link: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=45374&stype=-8&sView=day



Here is the timeline breakdown:
15 min Introductions
30 min Bench Press technique lecture Topics include: optimizing setup, warm up best practices, female-specific issues, and fixing common errors
45 min Bench Press workout Personal coaching for each and every attendee
15 min Break
30 min Deadlift technique lecture Topics include: optimizing setup, warm up best practices, and fixing common errors
45 min Deadlift workout Personal coaching for each and every attendee


Here is Coach Tim’s Bio:

Tim first picked up a barbell almost 25 years ago with the intention of being a better football player.  He set his first state record in 1997, and has been around the sport of powerlifting off and on since.  Tim is a USPA certified Powerlifting coach, and has brought multiple lifters of all shapes and sizes to the platform.  He currently holds numerous (11?) state records, and has advanced knowledge of powerlifting technique, meet prep, meet day coaching, and strategies for making weight.  Tim works with athletes in person and online, and founded the growing Red Beard Barbell & Fitness.  You can find him on Facebook under Red Beard Barbell and Fitness; on the United States Powerlifting Association’s website (USPA.net) under USPA Certified Coaches; and soon at www.RedBeardBarbell.com.
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PDXstrength Team Battle

Who’s ready for some friendly competition, fundraising and fun?
Are you a pdxstrength member? Perfect! Grab a friend (can be a member or someone outside the gym) , and prepare to battle it out with your fellow members and their friends. There will be 3 team partner workouts, teams can be coed or same sex. The workouts will be for all levels, and the cost is free! Suggested Donation is $30 per team, and all proceeds will go to the charities that the first, second and third place team choose. There will be a 20 team cap! Let’s get as many teams formed as possible and get ready to throw down!! Sunday 10/18/2015 9:00 am – 12:00 pm Workouts will be released one week prior to competiton.
Sign up your team here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=45374&stype=-8&sView=dayIMG_4830 (1)

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We Expanded!

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We are so excited to share our extra space with you! We have doubled our square footage, which will make your experience at PDXstrength even better. Come check it out if you haven’t had an opportunity to take a class in our updated space! Not only did we expand, but we are adding a new rig too.

So much room for #handstandwalking!! #pdxgym #pdxstrength yippee!!! #handstands

A video posted by PDXstrength (@pdxstrength) on

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Skateboarding 101 and Park Ninjas!

Screen Shot 2012-12-30 at 6.59.43 PM We are excited to offer two events this September for our PDXstrength youth, Skateboarding 101 and Park Ninja!

Skateboarding is a sport, an art form, a lifestyle, and a culture. Sign ups for our first Skateboarding clinic on Saturday, September 26th at 8:30 am have begun! Adults can take our bootcamp class, while their child can get some exercise on the board! This one hour course will meet your child at their current level. Please bring a board and helmet. (Pads are optional) If your child does not have a board, they can borrow one. Cost is $30

Course objectives are getting comfortable on the board, stance, basic tricks and skating simple obstacles. Participants will learn how to foster safer skating through practice of stance, falling and bailing out. Confidence on the board will be improved as well as ability with balance, mechanics and control on the board.

Here are just some of the amazing benefits of skateboarding:  Provides flexibility , Physical Endurance ,Teaches Precision, Improves Coordination, Teaches consequences, practice, and patience ,You learn to fall, You make lifetime friends, and You have fun!

Sign up here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=45374&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn=100000016


What is a park ninja?

Have you wanted to try one of those crazy obstacle course races? Our very own obstacle course race enthusiast Super Laura has put one together one in our own back yard, Cathedral Park. This race will combine elements of parkour ( for ALL LEVELS), running and exploration of movement, so we are calling the race, Park Ninja. The course will cover a little over a mile, with fun obstacles spread out the park. Refreshments will be served for our participants, and we encourage parents to bring their kids to join in on the fun!  We will meet at PDXstrength where we will be introduced to the skills we will need for the race. We will practice movements and skills such as, vaulting (going over obstacles), quadrupedal movements (going under obstacles) and balance. Then it’s race time!  Wear shoes you can run in, comfortable clothes, and a water bottle. You will be able to keep your valuables locked up at PDXstrength.  Ages 5 and up! For children under 8, a parent must race with the child. All children must have a guardian sign a liability waiver prior to the race. Cost is $30 for Adults plus one child Cost is $15 for Youth under 18.

Saturday September 12th, 7:30 am – 8:45 am Sign up here: https://clients.mindbodyonline.com/classic/ws?studioid=45374&stype=-8&sView=day&sTrn=2

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New Hard Core Series

We all know there’s plenty of benefits from having a strong and stable core.

The Power to Work Harder in the Gym
Strength and power originate in the core of the body. When the trunk, torso and pelvis are strong and stable, power is transferred to all other muscles. Powerful contractions, such as rapid muscle movements, require a strong core. The more stable the core, the more energy transferred to the muscles leading to quicker repetitions and more effective training.

Improved Posture

Core fitness exercises also support proper posture. Imbalances of posture can lead to improper weight lifting form, injuries, and undue pressure on the lower back. Pressure and pain of the lower back is a common symptom of weak core muscles.

Improved Balance

The abdominal muscles are important to core stability and strength. When the abdominal muscles are weak, the lower back holds additional pressure and weight from simple daily tasks like walking. When exercising, this pressure grows exponentially leading to painful back injuries. Strengthening the abdominal muscles allows the weight of the upper body to be evenly distributed over the front and back. When weight is distributed, balance improves.

Training for core stability requires resisting motion at the lumbar spine through activation of the abdominal musculature as a whole. Training for core strength allows for motions to occur through the lumbar spine in an attempt to work the abdominal musculature, often in an isolated fashion.

This 5 week course will focus on Core Strength, Core Stability and end with a metcon that will boost your metabolism to melt that stubborn fat. Class meets once a week and we will send you home with 2 workouts you can do at home or in the gym each week. This class is for all levels. We will be using a gymnastics based program this time around! Sign Up Here!
Lets get hardcore!


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