Come join us for our Scavenger Hunt WOD

You are invited to our first PDXstrength scavenger hunt workout on Sunday, January 31st at 11 am! This event is for all levels, seriously it’s not gonna be some crazy crossfit workout where you do a 1,000 burpees, run 7 miles and do a max effort clean and jerk! Will you get a good workout? Hell yes, but we want to make this event for everyone ( all ages, shapes, sizes and fitness levels are welcomed with open arms). Will you have an epic fun time? Hell yes, it will probably be the most fun you have ever had working out! You will be put to the test mentally and physically as you battle it out with others to complete the Scavenger Hunt Workout. We want to open this to the whole Portland community, you don’t have to be a PDXstrength member to participate. You will need a cell phone, dress for indoor and outdoor weather, and prepare for MAJOR FUN! This is completely free to sign up! Donations are appreciated, and will be donated to the first and second place finishers choice of nonprofit! Sign up here:



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Join us for the Lurong Living Resolution Challenge!

We are doing the 2016 Lurong Living Resolution Challenge! If you are looking to make some serious improvements to your diet and fitness and achieve your New Year’s resolutions, this is your answer. We will be forming a team to work together and even compete against boxes across the country. Everyone can contribute, so we want everyone to make the commitment now.

What is really cool about this Challenge is that everything is tracked on the Challenge site and you earn points for everything. You get to compete in WODs like the Opens, and see exactly how much you improve your body composition and performance. There are 3 diet and WOD skill levels, so nobody has an excuse to sit this one out!

It comes with a 5-week meal plan, recipe book, and tons of online support. Bottom line, we want everyone to get involved and do it together. You can compete for the team and as an individual at the same time, so there is something for everyone. The Challenge is also the perfect way to invite one of your friends, co-workers, or family members to try out workouts at PDXstrength. It will be an experience they won’t forget! We will be doing the workouts on Sunday at open gym, or you are more than welcome to do them any time that works for you at the gym!

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Acro with Ari! A huge success!


On Saturday we hosted a super fun Acro workshop with Ari Rapkin. Ari was an amazing instructor and the 2 hour workshop was nonstop laughs and smiles. We are looking forward to some tumbling workshops with Ari in the future. Here are some photos of all the fun!


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Lael Sums up PDXstrength Perfectly!

One of our rockstar members left are really sweet review this week. Thanks Lael for taking the time our of  your busy day to write us this really awesome review on Yelp.


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What we are reaching for: PDXstrength 2016

  1. A  Community that builds on all we have been and seeks out improvement continually.
  2. Keep our rates affordable and reasonable for every PDXstrength member. (Continue to give sliding scale options for those that hit hard times.)
  3. 2016 Budget helping coaches with a % of pursuing Continuing Education and Workshops.
  4. As a community, both members and coaches greeting each new PDXstrength Athlete and acting as a PDXstrength Ambassador until the new Athlete feels at home.
  5. Encourage our members and coaches to  participate in local weightlifting meets, crossfit competitions, Hood to Coast, triathlons, 5k’s, Powerlifting, Strong Man, etc  in 2016 to put their skills and strength to use outside the gym.
  6. As a staff we have a goal of delivering the  WOD on time and in a professional manner at every WOD. As a staff we take the time to cater to individuals with injuries and issues so they can participate in every WOD. As a staff we will continue to learn, grow and keep up with continuing education credits and courses.
  7. We will be adding more class times.
  8. Host fundraiser WODs  for local non profits and charities and participate in events like the Every Day Warrior to raise money for those in need.
  9. Work with Roosevelt High School helping develop their athletes and create an ongoing partnership that teaches students athletes the importance of nutrition and self care.
  10. Become a USAW weightlifting club.
  11. Host 1-2 WODS on every Holiday besides Christmas and 4th of July
  12. PDXstrength will continue to be a positive, clean, non judgmental, safe environment that athletes can consider their home away from home.
  13. Increase our membership  and continue to grow organically at a pace that is comfortable, realistic and remains a place where everyone knows everyone by their first name.
  14. Continue to track our athletes progress by making our workouts measurable and goal oriented. Put the emphasis on individual growth and not comparing athletes with each other, the only competition is with ones self.
  15. Continue to invest 3 hours per week programming top notch programs that have measurable, specific, attainable and realistic goals for our athletes. We want our athletes to train rather than just exercise for the sake of exercise.
  16. Continue to keep our class sizes capped so that every single athlete gets the coaching they deserve.


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